Friday, February 29, 2008


Whats a class without a good teacher?? I definately think that i learn better when the course is not only fun but the teacher is fun as well. I have had soo mamy teachers that are like this, and i seem to learn and keep the information better this way. Plus not to mention any names but i have had a few teachers who are the fun crazy, who i will probably never forget lol!!

hahaha && when the classes are like this trust me you dont dare fall never kno what the teachers will do to you or let others do to you .. (from seeing things like this happen before..a teacher drew a picture on a kid with sharpie before for sleeping in her class lol FUNNY!!!)

Tim Sagasti

So i see Tim everyday third period in my Health class..but for the past two days everytime i have seen him outside this class his hair has been done in some crazy way?!?!?!?!!? lol i find it very today i seen him n it looked like a french braid going down the middle of his head... very different especially for a guy, but the fact that he will willing walk around with it like that is sweet && very entertaining!!! lol thank you Tim!!!