Monday, February 25, 2008

Video: A day in the life of ME!

So i have a project to do in health 2, and its to make a video of my life. Therefore i have to walk around for a whole day n videotape myself and my surroundings. Im kind of curious how people are going to react to this, usually around cameras people tend to show there goofy side....or occassonally a really serious side. Either way im wicked excited but at the same time i kno i should be expecting a few twists && obstacles. So be prepared fellow people who i come into contact with on a daily basis, you are soon going to be on camera. =]

Kid blogs..seem to be the way to go =]

Ok so this video is pretty funny. I found it one night while watchin TV on the couch with one of my friends. We watched it like three times and laughed like crazy. I love the little boys accent...its soo cute && the facial expression of the younger brother after he bites the other kid is just histarical. I thought I was one of the few people who actually knew about this video around here, until one day one of the funnier kids at work started saying some of the lines from the video..and even then we both laughed like crazy then looked at each other in shock and stated "i thought that was some random video nobody knew about lol". && not only did everyone seem to be blogging about little kids but also about video so I said hey y not me too.