Friday, February 29, 2008


Whats a class without a good teacher?? I definately think that i learn better when the course is not only fun but the teacher is fun as well. I have had soo mamy teachers that are like this, and i seem to learn and keep the information better this way. Plus not to mention any names but i have had a few teachers who are the fun crazy, who i will probably never forget lol!!

hahaha && when the classes are like this trust me you dont dare fall never kno what the teachers will do to you or let others do to you .. (from seeing things like this happen before..a teacher drew a picture on a kid with sharpie before for sleeping in her class lol FUNNY!!!)

Tim Sagasti

So i see Tim everyday third period in my Health class..but for the past two days everytime i have seen him outside this class his hair has been done in some crazy way?!?!?!?!!? lol i find it very today i seen him n it looked like a french braid going down the middle of his head... very different especially for a guy, but the fact that he will willing walk around with it like that is sweet && very entertaining!!! lol thank you Tim!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

my puppy

So i have a puppy that is a scottish terrier. His name is Rudy! And he is going to the vet get shots..(n im a sucker for cute little animals,let me add) && im kinda scared for him ..poor puppy...i hope hes not sick n that he'll be ok. =]

Just to add...theres this bird @ the reptile co that im pretty sure that im buying... its a parrot & his name is Peaches... this bird is seriously the cutest bird i have ever seen & not to mention he dances and talks.. i mean come on wouldnt you want a bird like this?!?!?!?!? ADORABLE!! <3

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


So im pretty much wicked mad about the fact that i only got to work for 3 hours today because of this stupid pay check is going to be like wicked low cause like 3 of my days got cut this week =/ how rude.

plus on top of that our kickass manager is leaving to go to ohio on march 3rd...not fair

Monday, February 25, 2008

Video: A day in the life of ME!

So i have a project to do in health 2, and its to make a video of my life. Therefore i have to walk around for a whole day n videotape myself and my surroundings. Im kind of curious how people are going to react to this, usually around cameras people tend to show there goofy side....or occassonally a really serious side. Either way im wicked excited but at the same time i kno i should be expecting a few twists && obstacles. So be prepared fellow people who i come into contact with on a daily basis, you are soon going to be on camera. =]

Kid blogs..seem to be the way to go =]

Ok so this video is pretty funny. I found it one night while watchin TV on the couch with one of my friends. We watched it like three times and laughed like crazy. I love the little boys accent...its soo cute && the facial expression of the younger brother after he bites the other kid is just histarical. I thought I was one of the few people who actually knew about this video around here, until one day one of the funnier kids at work started saying some of the lines from the video..and even then we both laughed like crazy then looked at each other in shock and stated "i thought that was some random video nobody knew about lol". && not only did everyone seem to be blogging about little kids but also about video so I said hey y not me too.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Sooo graduation is coming far too soon. I cant wait but at the same time its going to be really sad. Im wicked excited for college! Im going to stick around here to get my Business Management degree then im off to Ithaca to get my Massage Therapy degree! I eventually intend to own my own massage therapy business, hopefully somewhere not around here! I used to always want to be a math teacher but when i sat down && actually thoughtt about it one day , i realized that the level of math that i wanted to teach was with high schoolers, who are not the funnest to teach.


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This movie is definately my favorite movie of all times!! Since the first time i watched it when i was little. If you havent seen it , i think that you def should. && if your a fan of Bruce Willis && Ben Affleck... then you would like this movie that much more!

Monday, February 18, 2008


I think that the war in Iraq should end! For numerous reasons...i have three loved ones who are about to go over seas within the next month =/ of which is my boyfriend. I think that the war has been drawn out for far too long, i think its time to find a way to get our troops out of there and bring them home, which im not so sure Bush can do. Thats one of the main reasons i cant wait to get a new president(not to mention how much i have and still do dislike bush since day 1 for many other reasons). I definately agree with the whole speech on putting iraq (&& maybe mexico) in a bubble lol, it would def solve alot of problems.


So for everyone who knows me...already knows that my favorite sport is hockey(to watch that is). I have many favorite teams such as the Binghamton Senators, Ottowa Senators, Buffalo Sabers, && the New York Rangers! && tonight theres a b-sens game @ 7:05...which will be pretty neone who is interested should def go.(it you didnt kno its at the arena in binghamton <3) See you there hopefully!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Video Games && Guys.

Video games are pretty much amazing, and most people who stereotype need to realize, that hey girls play video games too and might actually thing they are cool. Like me! && no i dont play just girly video games, i play the guy video games too such as Halo(all of them!), Guitar Hero(loooooooove it!!), Need For Speed(schweet), Mario(BEST GAME EVER!!!), Spyro, Sonic....and the list goes on and on! I own a wii, xbox, playstation, and a sega!!! I def think that i want a nintendo 64 back though because they are wicked cool. <33333


So first of all there is way tooo much drama in high school...its rediculous. && people say "oh it gets better once high school is over" no this isnt true, i kno people who go to college and cause more drama than highschoolers. I think that people need to stop and live their lives without worrying about everybody else around them. Could you imagine what the world would be like without drama??? It would be one of the most amazing things!!! Get over it move on, and stop holding grudges and carrying things out for years on end, and maybe your life would be better! Test it out and let me know how that works =P


So im gonna blog about the weather, for my first blog. Lets just say that this weather is rediculous & i absolutely hate it!!! This hot, then cold, then slightly warm, then freezing is insane n its causing everybody to get sick & moody. I just wish the winter wasnt so harsh. I would love to be able to have weather thats snowy enough to be able to snowboard but not soo cold that you cant bare to be in the cold for longer than two minutes. Overall i think that summer is the best season of all... i dont even mind spring or fall, as long as its not winter im happy!